
HPA (protein expression in neurons)

Inferred: -
Original protein 1: P04406
Taxonomy: human
Experimental role: prey
Biological role participant: unspecified role
Participant detection method: western blot
Host: human-nb1
Interaction detection method: anti tag coimmunoprecipitation
Source: Intact
Original protein 2: P48147
Taxonomy: human
Experimental role: bait
Biological role participant: unspecified role
Participant detection method: western blot
PMID: 23348613
Interaction type: physical association
Evidence: LT
Inferred: -
Original protein 1: P04406
Taxonomy: human
Experimental role: prey
Biological role participant: unspecified role
Participant detection method: partial identification of protein sequence
Host: -
Interaction detection method: pull down
Source: Intact
Original protein 2: P48147
Taxonomy: human
Experimental role: bait
Biological role participant: unspecified role
Participant detection method: partial identification of protein sequence
PMID: 23348613
Interaction type: physical association
Evidence: LT
Inferred: -
Original protein 1: P04406
Taxonomy: human
Experimental role: prey
Biological role participant: unspecified role
Participant detection method: western blot
Host: -
Interaction detection method: anti bait coimmunoprecipitation
Source: Intact
Original protein 2: P48147
Taxonomy: human
Experimental role: bait
Biological role participant: unspecified role
Participant detection method: western blot
PMID: 23348613
Interaction type: direct interaction
Evidence: LT
Inferred: -
Original protein 1: P04406
Taxonomy: human
Experimental role: neutral component
Biological role participant: unspecified role
Participant detection method: immunocytochemistry
Host: human-nb1
Interaction detection method: confocal microscopy
Source: Intact
Original protein 2: P48147
Taxonomy: human
Experimental role: neutral component
Biological role participant: unspecified role
Participant detection method: immunocytochemistry
PMID: 23348613
Interaction type: colocalization
Evidence: LT
Inferred: -
Original protein 1: P04406
Taxonomy: human
Experimental role: prey
Biological role participant: unspecified role
Participant detection method: identification by antibody
Host: human-nb1
Interaction detection method: proximity ligation assay
Source: Intact
Original protein 2: P48147
Taxonomy: human
Experimental role: bait
Biological role participant: unspecified role
Participant detection method: identification by antibody
PMID: 23348613
Interaction type: proximity
Evidence: LT