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Part of the postsynaptic scaffold in neuronal cells. [View more on UniProt]

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ELM instance Name Type Start End Partner
ELMI004847 DOC_PP2B_LxvP_1 DOC 318 321 -
ELMI004542 LIG_Arc_Nlobe_1 LIG 431 435 -
ELMI004543 LIG_Arc_Nlobe_1 LIG 483 488 -
ELMI004040 LIG_DLG_GKlike_1 LIG 372 380 -
ELMI004041 LIG_DLG_GKlike_1 LIG 403 411 -
ELMI004847 DOC_PP2B_LxvP_1 DOC 318 321 -
ELMI004542 LIG_Arc_Nlobe_1 LIG 431 435 -
ELMI004543 LIG_Arc_Nlobe_1 LIG 483 488 -
ELMI004040 LIG_DLG_GKlike_1 LIG 372 380 -
ELMI004041 LIG_DLG_GKlike_1 LIG 403 411 -

Molecular function

Term Name % Distance from the top of the tree Annotated in DLGP1_HUMAN
GO:0043168 anion binding 27.6074 4 no
GO:0000166 nucleotide binding 23.9264 4 no
GO:0017076 purine nucleotide binding 23.9264 5 no
GO:0032555 purine ribonucleotide binding 23.9264 4 no
GO:0035639 purine ribonucleoside triphosphate binding 22.6994 4 no

Biological process

Term Name % Distance from top the of the tree Annotated in DLGP1_HUMAN
GO:0010646 regulation of cell communication 56.4417 4 no
GO:0048522 positive regulation of cellular process 55.8282 4 no
GO:0051128 regulation of cellular component organization 46.6258 4 no
GO:0048523 negative regulation of cellular process 42.3313 4 no
GO:0009966 regulation of signal transduction 39.8773 4 no
GO:0060255 regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 38.6503 4 no
GO:0031323 regulation of cellular metabolic process 36.1963 4 no
GO:0022607 cellular component assembly 35.5828 4 no
GO:0080090 regulation of primary metabolic process 34.9693 4 no
GO:0051049 regulation of transport 33.1288 4 no
GO:0006996 organelle organization 31.9018 4 no
GO:0050804 modulation of chemical synaptic transmission 31.9018 5 no
GO:0099177 regulation of trans-synaptic signaling 31.9018 4 no
GO:0008104 protein localization 31.2883 4 no
GO:0010647 positive regulation of cell communication 28.8344 5 no
GO:0023056 positive regulation of signaling 28.8344 4 no
GO:0009889 regulation of biosynthetic process 27.6074 4 no
GO:0010556 regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 26.9939 5 no
GO:0031326 regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 26.9939 5 no
GO:0030030 cell projection organization 25.7669 4 no
GO:0010468 regulation of gene expression 25.7669 6 no
GO:0051130 positive regulation of cellular component organization 25.1534 5 no
GO:0009893 positive regulation of metabolic process 24.5399 4 no
GO:0031344 regulation of cell projection organization 24.5399 5 no
GO:0048584 positive regulation of response to stimulus 24.5399 4 no
GO:1902531 regulation of intracellular signal transduction 24.5399 5 no
GO:0010604 positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 23.9264 5 no
GO:0120035 regulation of plasma membrane bounded cell projection organization 23.3129 6 no
GO:0051246 regulation of protein metabolic process 22.6994 5 no
GO:0033043 regulation of organelle organization 22.6994 5 no
GO:0022603 regulation of anatomical structure morphogenesis 21.4724 4 no
GO:0044087 regulation of cellular component biogenesis 21.4724 4 no
GO:0007010 cytoskeleton organization 20.8589 5 no
GO:0009967 positive regulation of signal transduction 20.8589 5 no
GO:0120036 plasma membrane bounded cell projection organization 20.2454 5 no
GO:0099536 synaptic signaling 13.4969 4 yes
GO:0099537 trans-synaptic signaling 13.4969 5 yes
GO:0007268 chemical synaptic transmission 12.8834 7 yes
GO:0098916 anterograde trans-synaptic signaling 12.8834 6 yes


No data found.

Uniprot ID Details Highest evidence Localizing into PSD HPA (protein expression in neurons)
DYN2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
DYL2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes no
DYL1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes no
APC_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes no
TANC1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
MPP2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
DLGP2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes no
DLG4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
DLG1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
DLG3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
MAGI2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
DLG2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
NHRF3_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
SHAN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
GRIA1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
GRASP_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
SHAN3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes no
NMDE1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
SHAN2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
SRBS2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes no
ARC_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes no
CDK5_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
CTNB1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
DAB2P_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
DEND_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
DIAP1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DLGP3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DLGP4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
AUXI_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DYN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DPYL2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DEST_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DZAN1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
E41L1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
E41L3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ERBIN_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
FARP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
ITM2B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ITSN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ITSN2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
FHL2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MAGAB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
UBC_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CTNA2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NRX1A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
NEB2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RGS14_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SC6A4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
TRIM9_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
TRI67_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MYCN_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MYC_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MYO5A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CDKL5_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ABL1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CRK_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
SRC_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
FYN_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
GRB2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NCK1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
P85A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PLCG1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NMDZ1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SPAT7_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
NMDE2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
GRIP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CNKR2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
HOME1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SYGP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TNIK_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
FBX2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
FBX41_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
GDIB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GIT1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GLNA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GBB1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GBB2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RACK1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GRIA2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GRIA3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NMDE4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GELS_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
IQGA2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
IQEC1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
IQEC2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
IQEC3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
ITIH4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
KALRN_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KCNA1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KCNA2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KCNA4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KCAB1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
KCJ10_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
KCNJ4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
KIF5A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KIF5C_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
LGI1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
LRC15_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
LRRC7_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
LRRT1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MK01_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MK03_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MINK1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MPDZ_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MPRIP_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NBEA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NCDN_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NCKP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NFH_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NFL_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PDE4B_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PP1G_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PP2BA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PP2BB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KPCB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KPCG_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
FAK1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PURA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
RAB1A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RAC1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
RAP1A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
RPGF4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NGAP_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SEP11_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SEPT2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
SEPT3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
SEPT5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
SEPT7_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SH3K1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SKT_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
AP180_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SRBS1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SPTN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SPTB2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SPTN2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SYNE1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SYNPO_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
T132B_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
TRIO_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
UBE2N_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
UBE2O_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
WASF1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
1433B_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
1433E_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
1433G_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
1433F_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
1433T_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
1433Z_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CAPR1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DLGP5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
FMR1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
FXR1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
HUWE1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
M4K4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NED4L_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
USP9X_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CNKR3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
HOME3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KCNJ1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PP1A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PPP6_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CSKP_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DREB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DCX_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KIF2A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ABLM1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ADA22_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
AGAP2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ARF3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
ARF5_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
RHG32_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RHG39_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
ARVC_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
AGRB2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
AGRB3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
BAIP2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
BEGIN_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
ABTB3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
KCC2A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KCC2B_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KCC2D_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KCC2G_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CAZA2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CSKI1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CTRO_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CNTP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CTND1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
CTND2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
CYFP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CYFP2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CYLD_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CYH3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes