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Mediates the voltage-dependent potassium ion permeability of excitable membranes. Assuming opened or closed conformations in response to the voltage difference across the membrane, the protein forms a potassium-selective channel through which potassium ions may pass in accordance with their electrochemical gradient. [View more on UniProt]

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Molecular function

Term Name % Distance from the top of the tree Annotated in KCNA3_HUMAN
GO:0003723 RNA binding 38.8889 4 no
GO:0000166 nucleotide binding 32.2222 4 no
GO:0043168 anion binding 32.2222 4 no
GO:0017076 purine nucleotide binding 30.0000 5 no
GO:0032555 purine ribonucleotide binding 30.0000 4 no
GO:0035639 purine ribonucleoside triphosphate binding 30.0000 4 no
GO:0005524 ATP binding 24.4444 5 no
GO:0030554 adenyl nucleotide binding 24.4444 6 no
GO:0032559 adenyl ribonucleotide binding 24.4444 5 no
GO:0043169 cation binding 23.3333 4 no
GO:0046872 metal ion binding 21.1111 5 no
GO:0005216 monoatomic ion channel activity 11.1111 4 yes
GO:0008324 monoatomic cation transmembrane transporter activity 11.1111 4 yes
GO:0015267 channel activity 11.1111 4 yes
GO:0022890 inorganic cation transmembrane transporter activity 11.1111 4 yes
GO:0005244 voltage-gated monoatomic ion channel activity 10.0000 5 yes
GO:0022832 voltage-gated channel activity 10.0000 6 yes
GO:0022836 gated channel activity 10.0000 5 yes
GO:0046873 metal ion transmembrane transporter activity 10.0000 5 yes
GO:0005249 voltage-gated potassium channel activity 7.7778 7 yes
GO:0005261 monoatomic cation channel activity 7.7778 5 yes
GO:0005267 potassium channel activity 7.7778 6 yes
GO:0015079 potassium ion transmembrane transporter activity 7.7778 6 yes
GO:0022843 voltage-gated monoatomic cation channel activity 7.7778 6 yes
GO:0005251 delayed rectifier potassium channel activity 6.6667 8 yes
GO:0015271 outward rectifier potassium channel activity 3.3333 8 yes

Biological process

Term Name % Distance from top the of the tree Annotated in KCNA3_HUMAN
GO:0022607 cellular component assembly 41.1111 4 yes
GO:0051128 regulation of cellular component organization 38.8889 4 no
GO:0048522 positive regulation of cellular process 37.7778 4 no
GO:0048523 negative regulation of cellular process 36.6667 4 no
GO:0060255 regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 36.6667 4 no
GO:0006996 organelle organization 36.6667 4 no
GO:0080090 regulation of primary metabolic process 34.4444 4 no
GO:0031323 regulation of cellular metabolic process 34.4444 4 no
GO:0043933 protein-containing complex organization 32.2222 4 yes
GO:0008104 protein localization 32.2222 4 no
GO:0065003 protein-containing complex assembly 28.8889 5 yes
GO:0009893 positive regulation of metabolic process 28.8889 4 no
GO:0010646 regulation of cell communication 28.8889 4 no
GO:0009889 regulation of biosynthetic process 27.7778 4 no
GO:0071702 organic substance transport 27.7778 4 no
GO:0010604 positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 26.6667 5 no
GO:0010556 regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 26.6667 5 no
GO:0031326 regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 26.6667 5 no
GO:0031325 positive regulation of cellular metabolic process 24.4444 5 no
GO:0071705 nitrogen compound transport 24.4444 4 no
GO:0009966 regulation of signal transduction 23.3333 4 no
GO:0015031 protein transport 23.3333 4 no
GO:0042981 regulation of apoptotic process 23.3333 5 no
GO:0043067 regulation of programmed cell death 23.3333 4 no
GO:0051246 regulation of protein metabolic process 22.2222 5 no
GO:0010468 regulation of gene expression 22.2222 6 no
GO:0032880 regulation of protein localization 21.1111 5 no
GO:0060341 regulation of cellular localization 21.1111 4 no
GO:0019219 regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 21.1111 5 no
GO:0006811 monoatomic ion transport 16.6667 4 yes
GO:0006812 monoatomic cation transport 13.3333 5 yes
GO:0030001 metal ion transport 13.3333 6 yes
GO:0051259 protein complex oligomerization 12.2222 6 yes
GO:0051260 protein homooligomerization 11.1111 7 yes
GO:0098655 monoatomic cation transmembrane transport 10.0000 4 yes
GO:0098662 inorganic cation transmembrane transport 10.0000 4 yes
GO:0006813 potassium ion transport 6.6667 7 yes
GO:0071805 potassium ion transmembrane transport 6.6667 5 yes
GO:0021545 cranial nerve development 3.3333 4 yes
GO:0021554 optic nerve development 3.3333 5 yes


No data found.

Uniprot ID Details Highest evidence Localizing into PSD HPA (protein expression in neurons)
DLG4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
DLG1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
KCNA5_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
BAX_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
KCNA1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
KCNA4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
KCNA2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
CAV1_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
UBF1_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
DFB4A_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
NED4L_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
KCNE4_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
SC24B_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
NTRK2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
GRB10_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
SHC3_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
FYN_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes no
IQGA3_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
KCNA3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes no
KCAB2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
CD3D_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
MMP23_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
SRC8_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
HCLS1_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
TFR1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
KCNA6_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
DOLK_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
DX39A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TBA4A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TBB3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RL23_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TCPA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PSMD3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SENP6_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ANR17_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TCPG_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SURF4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TBB6_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
AT2A2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
IF4E2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PRS8_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PHB2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RS16_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
VIME_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
GRP75_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
IF4A1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ENPL_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ABCD3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RS27_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
RS27L_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
M2OM_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CTNA3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
S25A3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
COPB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ATPB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
STT3A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
XPO1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SSBP_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
BSN_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RL11_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
EF1G_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
FAF2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RL28_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
AFG32_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TRPM1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TLN2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
HACD3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TLR3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SYTL2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
KCRB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
RL6_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RPN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
AP3M1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TLN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
PEPL_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CLIP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RS13_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DYH5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
FACR1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MDHC_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
S61A1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PRS4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
LRP2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PLST_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RFA1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PUF60_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
AIFM1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
LAMA1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
SRRM1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TBCD4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CDC7_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PHTF1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CCD73_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
VDAC2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TERA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CE112_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
FYCO1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
GPHRB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
GPHRA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
SZT2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MYO1D_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NPM_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
UBA1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
EAA3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TRI18_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
VP13A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MYH7B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
AP3B2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RIGI_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GTR1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
COPA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CDK1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MYO1C_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RIMS1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ASAP2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GAR1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RYR1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CEP95_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
LZTL1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
THOC2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RS15_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SYRC_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MAP4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
DYN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RACK1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MY18A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
EHD3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
HELQ_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TAF6L_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RAF1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
LRRK2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DAPLE_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NCHL1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PRS6B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ALDOA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
CNOT1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CAPR2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MPRIP_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ROCK2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CAC1B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RL13A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CHD2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
KMT2A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SERPH_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RP1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ANGP4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ADCYA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PYGL_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
VDAC1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
EXPH5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ORC1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CMTR1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DOC10_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MED8_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NRIP1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TCPH_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
AFF2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CORA1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
LUZP1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PAPOG_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CYTSA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SPEF2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CK5P2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TDR12_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CCD62_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
E2AK4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RSRC2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SCRIB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
COBL_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TECR_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
IRS4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
SC22B_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
CO4A3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
IFT20_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SI1L1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MINT_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
YTDC2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PFKAM_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DNM1L_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RL18_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RL27_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
HOOK1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
SMCA4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
EPIPL_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
MSH2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RS3A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RBBP6_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GDIA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SYMC_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
VCIP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
CO4A4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
YETS2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
C1QC_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CHD9_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NACAM_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
NALP5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
SDA1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SORL_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
KIF11_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MORC2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ABCAD_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MYO9A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ACADS_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NCOA2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CAR11_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PRRT2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
NPY4R_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
FABP4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TP4A3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MERL_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
KCNC4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no