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Promotes the exchange of GDP by GTP. Activates specific Rho GTPase family members, thereby inducing various signaling mechanisms that regulate neuronal shape, growth, and plasticity, through their effects on the actin cytoskeleton. Induces lamellipodia independent of its GEF activity. [View more on UniProt]

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Molecular function

Term Name % Distance from the top of the tree Annotated in KALRN_HUMAN
GO:0043168 anion binding 28.3784 4 yes
GO:0000166 nucleotide binding 25.6757 4 yes
GO:0017076 purine nucleotide binding 25.6757 5 yes
GO:0032555 purine ribonucleotide binding 25.6757 4 yes
GO:0030554 adenyl nucleotide binding 24.3243 6 yes
GO:0032559 adenyl ribonucleotide binding 24.3243 5 yes
GO:0043169 cation binding 24.3243 4 yes
GO:0046872 metal ion binding 24.3243 5 yes
GO:0035639 purine ribonucleoside triphosphate binding 21.6216 4 yes
GO:0005524 ATP binding 20.2703 5 yes
GO:0016301 kinase activity 17.5676 4 yes
GO:0030695 GTPase regulator activity 17.5676 4 yes
GO:0016773 phosphotransferase activity, alcohol group as acceptor 16.2162 4 yes
GO:0004674 protein serine/threonine kinase activity 12.1622 4 yes
GO:0106310 protein serine kinase activity 12.1622 4 yes
GO:0005085 guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity 8.1081 5 yes

Biological process

Term Name % Distance from top the of the tree Annotated in KALRN_HUMAN
GO:0010646 regulation of cell communication 64.8649 4 yes
GO:0048522 positive regulation of cellular process 54.0541 4 no
GO:0009966 regulation of signal transduction 48.6486 4 yes
GO:0051128 regulation of cellular component organization 47.2973 4 no
GO:0048523 negative regulation of cellular process 41.8919 4 no
GO:0006996 organelle organization 39.1892 4 no
GO:0050804 modulation of chemical synaptic transmission 37.8378 5 no
GO:0099177 regulation of trans-synaptic signaling 37.8378 4 no
GO:0051049 regulation of transport 37.8378 4 no
GO:0022607 cellular component assembly 36.4865 4 no
GO:0060255 regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 35.1351 4 no
GO:0010647 positive regulation of cell communication 33.7838 5 no
GO:0023056 positive regulation of signaling 33.7838 4 no
GO:0008104 protein localization 31.0811 4 no
GO:0031344 regulation of cell projection organization 31.0811 5 no
GO:0031323 regulation of cellular metabolic process 29.7297 4 no
GO:0080090 regulation of primary metabolic process 29.7297 4 no
GO:0120035 regulation of plasma membrane bounded cell projection organization 29.7297 6 no
GO:0030030 cell projection organization 28.3784 4 yes
GO:1902531 regulation of intracellular signal transduction 28.3784 5 yes
GO:0009893 positive regulation of metabolic process 28.3784 4 no
GO:0010604 positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 28.3784 5 no
GO:0007010 cytoskeleton organization 27.0270 5 no
GO:0048584 positive regulation of response to stimulus 27.0270 4 no
GO:0009967 positive regulation of signal transduction 24.3243 5 no
GO:0022603 regulation of anatomical structure morphogenesis 24.3243 4 no
GO:0031325 positive regulation of cellular metabolic process 24.3243 5 no
GO:0009889 regulation of biosynthetic process 24.3243 4 no
GO:0010556 regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 24.3243 5 no
GO:0031326 regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 24.3243 5 no
GO:0051130 positive regulation of cellular component organization 24.3243 5 no
GO:0010975 regulation of neuron projection development 22.9730 7 no
GO:0048812 neuron projection morphogenesis 21.6216 5 no
GO:0051246 regulation of protein metabolic process 21.6216 5 no
GO:0120039 plasma membrane bounded cell projection morphogenesis 21.6216 4 no
GO:0010468 regulation of gene expression 21.6216 6 no
GO:0051240 positive regulation of multicellular organismal process 21.6216 4 no
GO:0050807 regulation of synapse organization 20.2703 5 no
GO:0044057 regulation of system process 20.2703 4 no
GO:0034762 regulation of transmembrane transport 20.2703 4 no
GO:0006796 phosphate-containing compound metabolic process 18.9189 4 yes
GO:0120036 plasma membrane bounded cell projection organization 18.9189 5 yes
GO:0007167 enzyme-linked receptor protein signaling pathway 17.5676 4 yes
GO:0007169 cell surface receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway 16.2162 5 yes
GO:0016310 phosphorylation 16.2162 5 yes
GO:0031175 neuron projection development 16.2162 6 yes
GO:0051056 regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction 14.8649 6 yes
GO:0036211 protein modification process 13.5135 4 yes
GO:0043412 macromolecule modification 13.5135 4 yes
GO:0006468 protein phosphorylation 12.1622 5 yes
GO:0007399 nervous system development 10.8108 4 yes
GO:0007411 axon guidance 5.4054 8 yes
GO:0048013 ephrin receptor signaling pathway 5.4054 6 yes
GO:0097485 neuron projection guidance 5.4054 7 yes


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Uniprot ID Details Highest evidence Localizing into PSD HPA (protein expression in neurons)
AMD_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
SNCAP_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
HAP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
NLGN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
SPTN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
GBB1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
ERBB4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
RAC1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes no
FYN_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes no
TNFL6_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
COIL_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GFI1B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
DISC1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
NDEL1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ATX7_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CAC1A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
SPTCS_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DLG4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SRCN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
APBB1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SYGP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MYOME_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TNIK_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DLGP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
SHAN3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
AKA11_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
KCC2A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CTND2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
DZAN1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CXA1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
HOME1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
AINX_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
IQEC1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
LZTS3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
M3K9_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NFL_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NFM_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SESD1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
CYTSA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SPTN2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SPTB2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
AGAP2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CTRO_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
HDAC4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MET_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CFTR_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CAC1C_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
RIMS1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
HCN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MYC_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ENOB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
FMR1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
STXB1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CDC5L_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PCNT_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GRIK1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DSCAM_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NRIP1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MORC3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DSCR9_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
DTBP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
LNX1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ADA22_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
ANK2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KCC2B_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KCC2D_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KCC2G_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CAMP3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CAD10_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MIC25_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CNKR2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
CTNA2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DAB2P_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
DLG2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
E41L3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GIT1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GRIA2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GRIA3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GRIN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NMDE2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
IQEC2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
MYO5A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PDE4D_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PKP4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RPGF4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SHSA7_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
SI1L1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SRBS1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TRIO_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
VIR_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
BACD3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RHG23_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ARHG6_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ARHG9_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CHIN_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
DSG1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
METK2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MK01_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CUL4A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TRI67_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TOP3B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
DICER_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
LSHR_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PREX2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
LCK_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
NLGN2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes