Features Interactions Isoform Disease Linear motifs Fingerprint Network All partners


Component of the cytochrome c oxidase, the last enzyme in the mitochondrial electron transport chain which drives oxidative phosphorylation. The respiratory chain contains 3 multisubunit complexes succinate dehydrogenase (complex II, CII), ubiquinol-cytochrome c oxidoreductase (cytochrome b-c1 complex, complex III, CIII) and cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV, CIV), that cooperate to transfer electrons derived from NADH and succinate to molecular oxygen, creating an electrochemical gradient over the inner membrane that drives transmembrane transport and the ATP synthase. Cytochrome c oxidase is the component of the respiratory chain that catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to water. Electrons originating from reduced cytochrome c in the intermembrane space (IMS) are transferred via the dinuclear copper A center (CU(A)) of subunit 2 and heme A of subunbit 1 to the active site in subunit 1, a binuclear center (BNC) formed by heme A3 and copper B (CU(B)). The BNC reduces molecular oxygen to 2 water molecules using 4 electrons from cytochrome c in the IMS and 4 protons from the mitochondrial matrix. [View more on UniProt]

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Molecular function

Term Name % Distance from the top of the tree Annotated in COX41_HUMAN
GO:0043169 cation binding 29.1391 4 no
GO:0046872 metal ion binding 27.1523 5 no
GO:0043168 anion binding 23.8411 4 no
GO:0008324 monoatomic cation transmembrane transporter activity 23.1788 4 yes
GO:0015078 proton transmembrane transporter activity 23.1788 5 yes
GO:0022853 active monoatomic ion transmembrane transporter activity 23.1788 4 yes
GO:0022890 inorganic cation transmembrane transporter activity 23.1788 4 yes
GO:0000166 nucleotide binding 23.1788 4 no
GO:0017076 purine nucleotide binding 21.1921 5 no
GO:0015399 primary active transmembrane transporter activity 20.5298 4 yes
GO:0015453 oxidoreduction-driven active transmembrane transporter activity 19.2053 5 yes

Biological process

Term Name % Distance from top the of the tree Annotated in COX41_HUMAN
GO:0022607 cellular component assembly 34.4371 4 no
GO:0006996 organelle organization 31.7881 4 no
GO:0048523 negative regulation of cellular process 29.8013 4 no
GO:0048522 positive regulation of cellular process 28.4768 4 no
GO:0043933 protein-containing complex organization 27.8146 4 no
GO:0080090 regulation of primary metabolic process 27.1523 4 no
GO:0031323 regulation of cellular metabolic process 26.4901 4 no
GO:0006796 phosphate-containing compound metabolic process 25.8278 4 no
GO:0060255 regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 25.8278 4 no
GO:0015980 energy derivation by oxidation of organic compounds 24.5033 4 yes
GO:0065003 protein-containing complex assembly 24.5033 5 no
GO:0045333 cellular respiration 23.8411 5 yes
GO:0010646 regulation of cell communication 23.1788 4 no
GO:0009060 aerobic respiration 23.1788 6 yes
GO:0022900 electron transport chain 22.5166 4 yes
GO:0022904 respiratory electron transport chain 22.5166 5 yes
GO:1901566 organonitrogen compound biosynthetic process 22.5166 4 no
GO:0019646 aerobic electron transport chain 21.8543 6 yes
GO:1901362 organic cyclic compound biosynthetic process 21.8543 4 no
GO:0009966 regulation of signal transduction 21.1921 4 no
GO:0009893 positive regulation of metabolic process 21.1921 4 no
GO:0051246 regulation of protein metabolic process 21.1921 5 no
GO:0051128 regulation of cellular component organization 20.5298 4 no
GO:0072521 purine-containing compound metabolic process 20.5298 4 no
GO:0006123 mitochondrial electron transport, cytochrome c to oxygen 6.6225 7 yes


No data found.

Uniprot ID Details Highest evidence Localizing into PSD HPA (protein expression in neurons)
CX6A1_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
COX3_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
BAX_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
COA3_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
COX5A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
NDUA4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
COX7B_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
COX8A_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
AAKB1_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
ABCB7_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
CH60_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
COX2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
COX1_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
COX6C_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
COX5B_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
CX7A2_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
CX6B1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
OCAD1_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
COX7C_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
QCR6_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RT02_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TM38B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RT26_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DEGS1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RT09_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CX7A1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
NCLN_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PIGA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NDUBB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MBOA7_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TI17B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
BET1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
UBAC2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PPM1B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ZCHC8_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TRAP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
STING_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
QCR7_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PTEN_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CACP_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CCNF_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PIGS_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RFA1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PIGP_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RFA2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ZNT9_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RFA3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GPAA1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RFA4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SURF1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
UB2Q1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RHBL4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CX7B2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
FFAR1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CAPZB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RAC1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
CUL3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RANB9_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ZRAN1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TRI67_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
UBP48_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PJA2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CYTN_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MIDN_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RN207_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
SMC5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
UBE2H_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
EGFR_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RASK_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
RIT1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
A4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ALDOA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
BAP29_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
BAP31_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CISD2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ATPD_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ATPO_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
VATA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
VATE1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CISD1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GBB1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MAGT1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NDUAA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NDUB7_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SDHB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
VAPA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
VAPB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
VDAC3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
OST48_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NDUA2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NDUS4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PHB1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SSRG_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GLUT4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
SSRD_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ICT1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TPM2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TPM3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TIM21_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
VDAC2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CX6A2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MTPN_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SMN_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GLRX5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TBG1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
FRDA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
EMC5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CLIC4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
JAK3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
AMPL_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
GOT1B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ISCA2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
AL4A1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ODB2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PRDX6_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
COR1A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
LACB2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
FMC1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
NDUB1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NMES1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ATP5H_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TBCA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NDUS3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MPPA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PRD16_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
HCDH_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MECOM_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SPRE_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RALB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
GAL3A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RHOA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GAL3B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
KPCD1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
BIP_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NCBP1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GSTP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
CNR2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CY24A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PPM1E_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NDUB3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SOAT1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MTCH2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
VDAC1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ATPB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
UBE2O_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ODBA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TBCK_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ACTB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
ATRX_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RCAF1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PWP2A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CALR_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CA052_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CALX_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ELP2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
COR1C_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CTNB1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TLCD4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ECHB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
POGZ_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ENPL_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
P2RY6_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MIC10_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TR10A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ML12A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
UN93B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NDUV1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
FAF2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NIPS1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KPCZ_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SCPDL_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
LAT_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
EMRE_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ZAP70_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TFAM_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CBL_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TOM22_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CBLB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TOM5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
KLF16_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TERA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KLF8_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ZN782_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
LFG4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
IKKE_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CY1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PP1A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NIPS2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
KCNQ1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NDUS7_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
CAV3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
NDUS8_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TX101_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ODPA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PHB2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ODPB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ITM2B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TOM40_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RYBP_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ATP5E_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CNDD3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ATP5J_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
G3BP1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ODP2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SDCB1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NDUA7_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KLF11_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
NDUV2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ESR1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
NDUV3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RS17_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ATPA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ATP5I_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
AT5L2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ATP5L_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
AIFM1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
COXM1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
HAX1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MDHM_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
COPE_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CYC_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TIM44_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ENOB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
TRIA1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
KGD4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MYO1B_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
SDHA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CALU_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
S25A3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
TIM8A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
QCR9_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
OPA1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
AT5F1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NDUS2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NDUBA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NDUS6_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NDUB5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MTX2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NDUB6_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
S2512_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NDUC2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CLPX_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NDUCR_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TOM70_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MRM1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MYO1D_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ACAD9_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GLSK_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
AUHM_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TPM1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
C1QBP_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MRES1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MCUR1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
COX41_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CC90B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PDIA4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CISY_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
P4HA1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DBLOH_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ETFA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
FAKD5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GLU2B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
EFGM_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
HINT2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
LONM_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
QCR2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
LPPRC_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NDUS1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
MCU_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PDIA3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MCUB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
QCR1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MET17_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
P5CR1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MIC26_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MYH10_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
IF2M_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ATPG_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
IF3M_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
HEM6_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RF1ML_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ODO2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MPPB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ETFB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RMND1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ECHA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
S2551_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
UCRI_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SSBP_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
LMAN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TACO1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NDUA8_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
FAKD4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CCHL_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TEFM_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RBM11_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TIM29_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TPM4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TMM70_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
LACTB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TRUB2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CKAP4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
EFTS_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TP53B_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
EFTU_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NUCG_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
EXD2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MESD_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CLPP_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SYK_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MK14_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NDUA5_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DNJA3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GLO2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DJC15_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
NDUA9_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DJC28_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MIC60_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DJC30_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ARI4B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DNJC4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MIX23_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
HSC20_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
COA6_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SYAM_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ATD3B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
AASS_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TTC19_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ADCK2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TPGS1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ALDH2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
COX15_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MIC27_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ACOT1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ATD3A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
COA7_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CQ080_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
F136A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MIC25_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
P5CR2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
KCRU_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
OMA1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RT29_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SIM12_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DJC10_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PTCD3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SYEM_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
YMEL1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RNZ2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CDCA3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ERAL1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CLPB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ESYT2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SYIM_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GANAB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DJC11_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
DHE3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GPDM_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MIC19_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ASTRA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TMOD3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
HCD2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NDUAD_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SYLM_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
S2513_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
LETM1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
HYOU1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MAIP1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
AFG32_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MAOM_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SAM50_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MICU1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TIM8B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MICU2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TIM13_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RM21_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
COX14_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RM37_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MGST3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RM43_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PDK1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RT18B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PLRKT_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RT22_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SCO1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RT27_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SFXN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RT28_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TR61B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RT31_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
IMP2L_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RT34_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
HTRA2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RT35_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
IMP1L_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
C1TM_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PARL_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NDUA6_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
SP7_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
NDUF2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
FHI1A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NDUF3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TRI55_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
NDUF4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TRI63_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
NDUB8_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NELFD_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NDUB9_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
STB5L_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
NFS1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ECHM_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PO210_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GCSP_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PDIA1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MTMRB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PDPR_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DUS1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PGAM5_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DUS19_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DPOG1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DUS21_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RPOM_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DUS6_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PPIF_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
AAR2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PPCEL_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RNF4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SYSM_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ESR2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
GLYM_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NEB2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SCMC2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
VIR_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SIM20_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
S15A3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SUCB2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
BIRC3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
SYTM_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
FACD2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TIDC1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
EMC1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
T126A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
EMC2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TM165_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
EMC4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
UBR4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KIF14_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
SYVM_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PRC1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
VWA8_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CFAD_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ECSIT_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
FNDC5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ALR_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RBM39_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GTPB3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RIGI_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
H2AX_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
APR_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CAF17_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
COX7R_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
AMRP_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MARCS_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PIGH_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RM41_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
QCR8_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RM44_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes