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Actins are highly conserved proteins that are involved in various types of cell motility and are ubiquitously expressed in all eukaryotic cells. [View more on UniProt]

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Molecular function

Term Name % Distance from the top of the tree Annotated in ACTG_HUMAN
GO:0003779 actin binding 29.3839 4 no
GO:0003723 RNA binding 27.4882 4 no
GO:0043168 anion binding 25.5924 4 yes
GO:0000166 nucleotide binding 22.7488 4 yes
GO:0017076 purine nucleotide binding 22.7488 5 yes
GO:0045296 cadherin binding 22.2749 4 no
GO:0032555 purine ribonucleotide binding 21.8009 4 yes
GO:0035639 purine ribonucleoside triphosphate binding 21.3270 4 yes
GO:0030554 adenyl nucleotide binding 19.4313 6 yes
GO:0032559 adenyl ribonucleotide binding 18.4834 5 yes
GO:0005524 ATP binding 18.0095 5 yes
GO:0019900 kinase binding 16.5877 4 yes
GO:0019901 protein kinase binding 14.2180 5 yes
GO:0044389 ubiquitin-like protein ligase binding 10.9005 4 yes
GO:0031625 ubiquitin protein ligase binding 9.9526 5 yes

Biological process

Term Name % Distance from top the of the tree Annotated in ACTG_HUMAN
GO:0048522 positive regulation of cellular process 57.8199 4 yes
GO:0051128 regulation of cellular component organization 51.1848 4 yes
GO:0060255 regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 47.8673 4 yes
GO:0048523 negative regulation of cellular process 46.9194 4 no
GO:0031323 regulation of cellular metabolic process 44.0758 4 yes
GO:0080090 regulation of primary metabolic process 44.0758 4 no
GO:0006996 organelle organization 41.2322 4 yes
GO:0022607 cellular component assembly 38.3886 4 yes
GO:0009889 regulation of biosynthetic process 36.9668 4 yes
GO:0010556 regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 36.0190 5 yes
GO:0031326 regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 36.0190 5 yes
GO:0033043 regulation of organelle organization 35.5450 5 yes
GO:0010646 regulation of cell communication 35.5450 4 no
GO:0009893 positive regulation of metabolic process 34.1232 4 yes
GO:0010604 positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 32.7014 5 yes
GO:0051130 positive regulation of cellular component organization 32.2275 5 no
GO:0010468 regulation of gene expression 31.2796 6 yes
GO:0007010 cytoskeleton organization 30.3318 5 yes
GO:0044087 regulation of cellular component biogenesis 29.8578 4 yes
GO:0031325 positive regulation of cellular metabolic process 29.3839 5 yes
GO:0009966 regulation of signal transduction 28.9100 4 no
GO:0051246 regulation of protein metabolic process 27.9621 5 no
GO:0019219 regulation of nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process 26.5403 5 no
GO:0008104 protein localization 26.0664 4 yes
GO:0051493 regulation of cytoskeleton organization 25.1185 6 yes
GO:0009891 positive regulation of biosynthetic process 24.1706 5 yes
GO:1902903 regulation of supramolecular fiber organization 24.1706 5 yes
GO:0043933 protein-containing complex organization 24.1706 4 no
GO:0031328 positive regulation of cellular biosynthetic process 23.6967 6 yes
GO:0010557 positive regulation of macromolecule biosynthetic process 23.2227 6 yes
GO:0097435 supramolecular fiber organization 22.7488 4 no
GO:0032970 regulation of actin filament-based process 22.2749 4 yes
GO:0048584 positive regulation of response to stimulus 22.2749 4 yes
GO:0030030 cell projection organization 21.8009 4 yes
GO:0010638 positive regulation of organelle organization 21.8009 6 no
GO:0009892 negative regulation of metabolic process 21.8009 4 no
GO:0032956 regulation of actin cytoskeleton organization 21.3270 5 yes
GO:0051049 regulation of transport 21.3270 4 yes
GO:0042981 regulation of apoptotic process 21.3270 5 no
GO:0043067 regulation of programmed cell death 21.3270 4 no
GO:0110053 regulation of actin filament organization 20.8531 6 yes
GO:0010605 negative regulation of macromolecule metabolic process 20.8531 5 no
GO:0031324 negative regulation of cellular metabolic process 20.3791 5 no
GO:0034330 cell junction organization 14.2180 4 yes
GO:0071310 cellular response to organic substance 14.2180 4 yes
GO:0080134 regulation of response to stress 12.7962 4 yes
GO:0010628 positive regulation of gene expression 11.8483 7 yes
GO:0030334 regulation of cell migration 11.3744 5 yes
GO:2000145 regulation of cell motility 11.3744 4 yes
GO:0060627 regulation of vesicle-mediated transport 10.9005 4 yes
GO:0030155 regulation of cell adhesion 10.4265 4 yes
GO:0120039 plasma membrane bounded cell projection morphogenesis 8.5308 4 yes
GO:0034097 response to cytokine 8.0569 4 yes
GO:0034329 cell junction assembly 8.0569 5 yes
GO:0048812 neuron projection morphogenesis 7.1090 5 yes
GO:0030100 regulation of endocytosis 6.6351 5 yes
GO:0045216 cell-cell junction organization 6.6351 5 yes
GO:0071345 cellular response to cytokine stimulus 6.6351 5 yes
GO:0007043 cell-cell junction assembly 6.1611 6 yes
GO:0030335 positive regulation of cell migration 6.1611 6 yes
GO:0040017 positive regulation of locomotion 6.1611 4 yes
GO:2000147 positive regulation of cell motility 6.1611 5 yes
GO:0002009 morphogenesis of an epithelium 5.6872 4 yes
GO:0031032 actomyosin structure organization 5.2133 4 yes
GO:0032231 regulation of actin filament bundle assembly 5.2133 5 yes
GO:0010810 regulation of cell-substrate adhesion 4.7393 5 yes
GO:1901888 regulation of cell junction assembly 4.2654 5 yes
GO:0001894 tissue homeostasis 3.7915 4 yes
GO:0007409 axonogenesis 3.7915 6 yes
GO:0051492 regulation of stress fiber assembly 3.7915 6 yes
GO:0110020 regulation of actomyosin structure organization 3.7915 6 yes
GO:1903034 regulation of response to wounding 3.7915 5 yes
GO:0034341 response to type II interferon 3.3175 5 yes
GO:1902414 protein localization to cell junction 3.3175 5 yes
GO:0001952 regulation of cell-matrix adhesion 2.8436 6 yes
GO:0034109 homotypic cell-cell adhesion 2.8436 4 yes
GO:0061041 regulation of wound healing 2.8436 6 yes
GO:0070527 platelet aggregation 2.8436 5 yes
GO:0071346 cellular response to type II interferon 2.8436 6 yes
GO:1903421 regulation of synaptic vesicle recycling 2.8436 5 yes
GO:0045214 sarcomere organization 2.3697 5 yes
GO:0150105 protein localization to cell-cell junction 2.3697 6 yes
GO:1903036 positive regulation of response to wounding 2.3697 5 yes
GO:0035633 maintenance of blood-brain barrier 1.8957 5 yes
GO:0051893 regulation of focal adhesion assembly 1.8957 7 yes
GO:0090109 regulation of cell-substrate junction assembly 1.8957 6 yes
GO:0090303 positive regulation of wound healing 1.8957 6 yes
GO:0150116 regulation of cell-substrate junction organization 1.8957 5 yes
GO:1900242 regulation of synaptic vesicle endocytosis 1.8957 6 yes
GO:0001738 morphogenesis of a polarized epithelium 1.4218 5 yes
GO:0150111 regulation of transepithelial transport 1.4218 5 yes
GO:1902396 protein localization to bicellular tight junction 1.4218 7 yes
GO:0120192 tight junction assembly 0.9479 7 yes
GO:0120193 tight junction organization 0.9479 6 yes


No data found.

Uniprot ID Details Highest evidence Localizing into PSD HPA (protein expression in neurons)
PPP5_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
H2AZ_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
H33_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
H4_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
H2A2C_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
VIME_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes no
GPDA_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
CERS1_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
MLH1_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
ACTG_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
MYPC3_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
SETD3_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
PP1G_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
WASL_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
ST2B1_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
KCMA1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes no
DLG4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
CAP2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
ANK2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
ANK3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
CAP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
COTL1_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
CADH1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes no
FHOD1_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
ES8L1_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
ES8L2_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
FEZ1_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
CTND1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes no
BAP31_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
MK_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
TYB4_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
UB2Q2_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
SRC8_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
WIPF1_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
BIN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
RN123_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no yes
TAU_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes yes
GRAK_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
GRAA_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
KLH17_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] Low throughput yes no
PLD1_HUMAN [view interactions] Low throughput no no
CTNB1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PYGB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
RASK_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
G6PD_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
SYLC_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TPR_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ACON_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PEPD_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
KC1A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
FPPS_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TGFB1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PYRG1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
FGFR1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NUCL_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PRP8_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PUR6_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
U5S1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
1433B_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
AAR2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
HSP74_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RBMX_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CHD3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
UBP5_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RIOK1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
COPD_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ESR2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CNBP_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
HNRPU_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CBX3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
FKBP5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CUL4B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CKAP5_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PCBP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CPSF6_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
HEXI1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PI42C_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
LARP7_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TFG_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CDK9_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
IPO9_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TLR9_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TBB2B_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RC3H2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
KLC2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PSA3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RRAGC_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
FAF1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RBGP1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
UBP14_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
HOOK3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
UCHL3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NPM_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GLUC_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CCNF_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TFE3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MLP3B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PSDE_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NBR1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PP1A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SQSTM_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
BIRC3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
OPTN_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MCAF1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
WWP2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TOLIP_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PDPK1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RGS14_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PML_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DISC1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
HAP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RED1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PKHA4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SND1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ACTB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
MAGA3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
YAP1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
FACD2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
SYNPO_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
GIT2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
AIMP2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MK06_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
BRD4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
KS6A5_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NUPR1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
HSPB2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
WDR76_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
GLUT4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RN208_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
EED_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
EIF3F_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MYH9_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
INSI1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ANLN_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
INSI2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
FLOT1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RIN3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MY18A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RIGI_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MYO1C_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SPOP_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MYO19_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ISG15_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
FLNA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
UFL1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MYH10_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DDRGK_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
LIMA1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
P53_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CALL3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
WDR5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TMOD3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SPRTN_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TPM1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
BTF3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
COR1C_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SLN11_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DREB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
LHPP_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MYO5C_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GCR_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PDLI7_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
TOP3B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CDK2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RHBT2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TMEDA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DCTN3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CAZA2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
COBL_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
WDR1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
IQGA1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
ACL6A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
VINC_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
SMC2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PP1B_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MYO9B_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SPHK1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
OCRL_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SSXT_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ZCH18_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ARPC5_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NEK4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ARPC3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
LRRK2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ARI1A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
HD_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ARPC2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PRKN_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ARC1B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
SH3L1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GELS_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
RASA1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TCPZ_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MK07_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ACTY_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
DOK2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
LIS1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KPCA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TCPD_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ELK4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TCPQ_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PTN12_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TCPG_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PTPRR_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TCPE_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NCBP3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CAPZB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SHAN3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
HEM1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CTBP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PROF1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ZBT18_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
STOM_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DUS19_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TMOD1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
GRB2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TCPA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
COF2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TMM11_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
HNRPK_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
WIPF2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TNFA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RHG32_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CDN2A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MRTFA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SPS2L_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DMAP1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PXK_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
KAT5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
WASH1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DUX4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ABI2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
STAT1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
ABI1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CFTR_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
INF2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
FAF2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
WIPF3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
HS90B_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SPTB2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NDRG1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ENAH_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RHG27_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MIPT3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SRCAP_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GRIA2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ARI1B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
COBL1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CSKP_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
P66B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
KCNQ2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TMOD2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KCND2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MTFR1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GIT1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
WAC2A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SYPH_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PHAR2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ANXA1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
M3K4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
BCAR1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SMRD2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PKHA7_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
BCL7C_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ANGI_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
SPIR1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SYGP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DCTN5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
HCN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CAZA1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DYR1A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DCTN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NOXO1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CYFP2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CTBP2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ADDA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CCD22_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
WASC3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
COF1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
BCL7B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ARP5L_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DEST_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TCPH_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ECHP_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PDCL3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NTAQ1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CSR2B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CDC37_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
FMNL2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PROF2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
WASF1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PRS23_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
SMRC1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SH3G2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
REQU_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CENPR_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CKAP2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SIAT6_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DLG5_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
PTPRO_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
FBX30_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
FXR1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SMRC2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
REL_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
BRK1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
IKBA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SPIR2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
IKBB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
WHAMM_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
IKKA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PRR11_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
IKKB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SMRD1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
IKKE_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SMCE1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NEMO_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
BAIP2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
M3K1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
WASF3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
M3K3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
NCKP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
M3K14_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MRTFB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RELB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PACN2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
RIPK1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
WASF2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RIPK2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SCIN_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
RIPK3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
DC1L1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TAB2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
LRRF2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TNR1A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MOFA1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TNR1B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
DCTN4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TRADD_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GEPH_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TRAF1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
GCP4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TRAF2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ADDG_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TRAF6_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
EVL_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
1433Z_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
BI2L1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MYC_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
FMN2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
ARP10_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
NHSL3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TNIK_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SPN90_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
ACTS_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
DC1I2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CALR_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SPTN1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PGRC1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
DCTN2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
LEG4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
FLII_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PDIA1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SNF5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RSSA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TWF1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
ANX13_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ACTZ_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ANXA4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
GMFB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
VASP_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TCPB_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
FHI1B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ACTC_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TANK_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
POTEE_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
FADD_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CYFP1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
IF6_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MNS1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PHAR4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MYOC_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
WDR44_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
APOE_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RHG12_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PSN2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
BCL7A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
BRCA1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
LRRF1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DNLI4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TWF2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MTFR2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MCPH1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
IF2B3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
IKZF3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
DYL1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
IKZF1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ZRAN1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
R113A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
DX39B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
CDK7_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RUFY1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TRI67_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RBX1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
ASXL2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ASXL1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RUVB2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ASXL3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MEPCE_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PRRT2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
RUVB1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RHG24_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SYUA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
UBE2O_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SMCA2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
FND3A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SMCA4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
GSDME_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MO4L1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RICTR_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MO4L2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SMC5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
MRGBP_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
KAT6A_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
LMNA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
B3GN2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PO5F1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TNIP1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
UCHL5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RN138_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
1433T_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
FAS_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
RING2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
LDLR_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
EP400_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SRBP2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SP1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
FBX25_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
FBX6_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TSG10_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RASH_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
HS90A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ITA2B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
MKS1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
NPHP1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
NPHP4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
SRPK2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
IQCB1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PKHG5_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
UBL4A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
FND3B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ITA4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ACTBL_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ILF3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
COR1B_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
FBX32_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
PYR1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
EF1A1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
AICDA_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
EF1A2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
FINC_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RAN_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
ADRB2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
SYYC_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ARF3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
TOPB1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RL27A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
HACE1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RL3_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
BIP_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RL35A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
UBS3B_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RS2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ERRFI_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RS4X_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SHC1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TCTP_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
ERBB3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RL40_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
LGR4_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RL10_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SGF29_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RL19_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CCDC8_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RL38_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
EZH2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RL4_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
SUZ12_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RS5_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
BMI1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
HSP7C_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
KS6B2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RS27A_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
1433S_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
CLH1_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
FLOT2_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RS17_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
FLNB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TERA_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
H31_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
PGK2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
GAN_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RL31_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
MCM2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RS13_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
RC3H1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RS15_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
PPARG_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
RS16_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
NDUF8_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
RS8_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes no
CBAR1_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
TPIS_HUMAN [view entry] [view interactions] High throughput yes yes
TTC23_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
IF5A2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
TEDC2_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
E2F8_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
HDAC6_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
CPNE3_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes
ZN598_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no no
ATPB_HUMAN [view interactions] High throughput no yes